Geschlechterforschung / Gender Studies




Seminar: Moving Europe: Interrogating Gender, Race, Migration and Citizenship (Dr. Sharron FitzGerald)

Veranstaltungstyp: Seminar Allgemeine Soziologie/Geschlechtersoziologie; BA: Soziale Unterschiede/Sozialer Wandel/Soziale Institutionen; NF Gender Studies)

Zeit: Freitag, 12.00 - 14.00 Uhr

Ort: Institut für Soziologie, R. 209

Beginn: 20.04.2013

Sprache: Englisch

Anmeldung: LSF

Kommentar: This seminar introduces sociology students at LMU to key themes in contemporary sociological and interdisciplinary scholarship on migration circuits. It will focus specifically on how the European Union (EU) understands and attempts to regulate migration from the developing world. This is a research-driven seminar stemming from Dr FitzGerald’s theoretical and empirical interest and experience in the field of feminist and socio-legal approach to migration. Using critical, feminist, intersectional, postcolonial and socio-legal theories, this seminar interrogates the tensions between migrants and states’ interpretations of immigration, illegality, the ‘right’ to mobility, racism, human rights, citizenship, law and social policy across EU jurisdictions. In particular, this seminar aims to develop an interdisciplinary and critical engagement with the role that the intersection of categories of gender, race, class, sexuality and ethnicity play in the EU’s various migration laws and policies. The seminar will introduce and encourage students to achieve a deep understanding of a series of ‘real life’ problems’ in current research, law and policy in migration studies.